Introduction to Javascript after() and before() method

after() insert an element node to the DOM after the child element

syntax of the after()

Selector.after(node1, node2, ... nodeN)

Use :

h1.after(p) // <p></p><h1></h1>
Selector.after(str1, str2, ... strN) 
const li_items = ['a1', 'a2', 'a3'];
const items = => {
                const item = document.createElement('li');
                item.innerText = li_items;
                return item;

ul.firstChild.after(...items); //<ul><li>firstChild</li><li>a1</li><li>a2</li><li>a3</li></ul>

whereas, ul.firstChild is the first child of UL Element

before() allow insert one or more nodes before the element

syntax of the before()

Selector.before(node1, node2, ... nodeN)

Use :

h1.before(p) // <h1></h1><p></p>
Selector.before(str1, str2, ... strN);

const li_items = ['a1', 'a2', 'a3'];
const items = => {
                const item = document.createElement('li');
                item.innerText = li_items;
                return item;

ul.firstChild.before(...items); //<ul><li>a1</li><li>a2</li><li>a3</li><li>firstChild</li></ul>

whereas, ul.firstChild is the first child of UL Element

Supported Browsers:

  • Google Chrome 54+

  • Edge 17+

  • Firefox 49+

  • Opera 39+

  • Safari 10+

  • Internet Explorer not supported